
But it's only the second day....

For the team, it was a very interesting day. But before you hear about that, we'll tell you what we did.

Since it was a long day yesterday, we enjoyed a late start to the morning. Our mission was to have as much fun at the Girls' ranch as we did with the boys. The girls greeted us with cheers and each team member headed to one of the five girls' houses for a homemade lunch of chicken, rice and beans, salad and dessert. (Brazilian food is yummy!) We then planned an Easter Egg hunt (those girls are probably as competitive, if not more, than the boys!!), made friendship bracelets, sang songs, baked cookies and danced for a little while. Again, we were welcomed with open arms into their homes and into their lives. Imagine? We went there to embrace them and they embraced us a hundred fold. It's been very clear to us, that even with all of the "stuff" we brought, we have received so much more from those who have so little.

But here's the interesting part. After time at the ranch, Mark, one of the team members, asked us to share the best moment we experienced so far. You may be thinking, "But it's only the second day, Mark. What do you mean, share their best experience so far?" Well, we all had something to share, as well as a few tears to shed and plans about how we were going to make a difference for Hope when we got back home. Yes, we're already talking about going back home and sharing our experiences. Yes, as a team, we already have a plan as to how we will continue to take the message of Hope back to the states to further the work that is ongoing there. Yes, we've all been so moved that we cried about how touched we were these past two days.

But it's only been two days. Imagine what could happen in the next five. We are....

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