
July 2011- YAY! We're Here!

We arrived safely in Brazil this morning, without any hassles in customs. The weather was gorgeous - a sunny day with blue skies and the temperature near 80 degrees.

On the way to the girls' ranch we stopped and had lunch where some of us got to hear the history and future of Hope Unlimited. Hearing the stories and really understanding where Hope's heart was, we humbly headed to the girls' ranch, where the girls of Hope Unlimited live. We were greeted with hugs and many smiles. We jumped right to "work", playing soccer and volleyball for a while. The girls' soccer skills were impressive and we began to worry about what a game of soccer with the boys would be like! As we spent time with the girls, the reality of what some of them have already witnessed in their young lives truly changed our outlook on what we came here to do and how Hope's mission and purpose was being fulfilled.

When we left the girls' ranch, we had a little time to settle before heading out to the "churrascaria", a Brazilian steakhouse where the meat was abounding and our stomachs were overflowing with Guanara, a yummy Brazilian soda. After overdoing it, we headed back to the hotel to get a good night's rest before starting a new day in the morning.


  1. I love the pictures! Keep up the awesome work! We're thinking and praying for you all back here at PAC.

  2. Love it! Have a great trip! When is the next post coming?

  3. Praying for the team! I'm enjoying reading the blogs and looking at the pictures.
