
Feb 2011: Jessica, Sandra, Lucia, Layra, Dalayne, Danielle, Larissa...

This morning was spent with Pierre in a needed hour and a half private Portuguese lesson. He immersed us in the language in preparation to better communicate with the kids we would see later in the day.

We spent the afternoon at the girls' ranch, a place where 84 girls share 6 houses and openly heal from their damaging pasts. Each girl found a way into our hearts by showing us their talents, asking about our personal lives, and teaching us their games and songs. The girls made us lunch and the team split into the 6 houses to get to know them in our very broken Portuguese and their broken English. But somehow, we communicated in such a deep way that the girls just left their footprints on our hearts.

After spending the day with the girls, we went to the boys' ranch for the worship service. Some of the team members actually got to lead worship. What a tremendous and life changing moment to hear more than 150 kids worshipping the same God in Brazil that we worship in Princeton. And to see kids, who have lived through some of the worst tragedies, lift their hands in glorious worship was an overwhelming and humbling, yet thrilling experience.

After worshipping tonight, we were spoiled with the opportunity to eat at a churrascaria, where we were served endless portions of 160 different types of meat (some of which we won't mention here) as well as a dessert buffet. YUM!

In addition to the culinary blessing, we actually learned that we gain an extra hour tonight. So until tomorrow, we will savor the memories created today and cherish them as we drift into a good night's sleep.

Boa noite!

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